Notice of 2021 Annual Meeting of the Lake Houston Community Association

The Annual meeting will be held remotely on November 17, 2021. A notice was posted on our management company, Goodwin & Co’s website, TownSq . The notice also includes a solicitation for candidacy as there is one (1) seat on the Board up for election.

You may also view and download the notice below.

Keep Our Storm Drains Clean

Street drains are critical to keeping neighborhoods from flooding when it rains; when leaves collect in street gutters and block drains, water can back up and cause ponding that can flood yards and homes. You can help prevent flooding in our neighborhood with a few small maintenance actions on your property.

Keep leaves and debris out of drains:

  • Avoid piling yard waste such as fallen leaves on your property where it could wash into city drains. Keep yard waste in a waste bin or other container.
  • Use a rake or broom to remove leaves and debris that may collect on the tops of storm drains, and then place the material in your yard waste container.