Reminder — LHCA Annual Meeting, Wed., November 16

The Annual Meeting of the Lake Houston Community Association, the Homeowners Association, will be held remotely on Wednesday, November 16, 2022. You may choose to attend by Zoom with video, or by audio on your phone. Members will still be able to comment, will be able to see the Board members (by Zoom), and will be able to participate in the Resident Speaker portion of the meeting as set forth in the Agenda (three-minute limit per speaker).

Instructions for joining the meeting by Zoom with video on your computer: Click on the link below and then click “Join the Meeting” (you do not need to download any software to your system).

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 4645 4094
Passcode: 824721
One tap mobile

Lake Houston Community Association 2022 Annual Meeting




The Annual Meeting of the Lake Houston Community Association, the Homeowners Association, will be held remotely on Wednesday, November 16, 2022. You may choose to attend by Zoom with video, or by audio on your phone. Members will still be able to comment, will be able to see the Board members (by Zoom), and will be able to participate in the Resident Speaker portion of the meeting as set forth in the Agenda (three-minute limit per speaker).

Instructions for joining the meeting by Zoom with video on your computer: Click on the link below and then click “Join the Meeting” (you do not need to download any software to your system).

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 4645 4094
Passcode: 824721
One tap mobile

Election Information

From the Harris County Elections Administrator’s Office

Early Voting

October 24, 2022 — 7AM – 7PM
October 25, 2022 — 7AM – 7PM
October 26, 2022 — 7AM – 7PM
October 27, 2022 — 7AM – 7PM
October 28, 2022 — 7AM – 7PM
October 29, 2022 — 7AM – 7PM
October 30, 2022 — 12PM – 7PM
October 31, 2022 — 7AM – 7PM
November 1, 2022 — 7AM – 7PM
November 2, 2022 — 7AM – 7PM
November 3, 2022 — 7AM – 10PM
November 4, 2022 — 7AM – 7PM

Election Day

November 8, 2022 — 7AM – 7PM

Click Here for Election Day Polls and View Voter Specific Ballot