Cheer – Joy – Laughter – Merry-Making – Delightful – Wonder

The Enclave Christmas Dinner

Saturday, December 3 at Amedeo’s

We had a great time and look forward to more of you joining us next year!

Enjoying the company so much, missed taking photos of the wonderful entree, but had to take one of the dessert — Bread Pudding!

The Enclave Christmas Social Survey Results

Thank you to all the residents that took the time to respond to The Enclave Christmas Social 2020 Survey in last week’s newsletter or email.

Based on the responses received and the ongoing concerns associated with the COVID-19 virus, the board made the decision to not hold a Christmas Social in 2020.

QUICK SURVEY: The Enclave 2020 Christmas Social

The Lake Houston Community Association (The Enclave HOA) has historically held a Christmas Party at a local restaurant. While the cost is mostly covered by attendees, the association does contribute funds to this function. 2019 function was held at Amedeo’s Italian Restaurant, Kingwood. The cost was $25 per person / $50 per couple.

With the current status of the COVID-19 pandemic, the association
is interested in knowing who would attend a 2020 Christmas Party if held at Amedeo’s on Sunday, December 13. The restaurant would be set up with tables that seat 8, 6 feet apart.

This is a survey only; not a RSVP.

In case we wish to contact regarding this survey

Thank you for your response.