A Few Neighborhood Crime Prevention Tips

  • If you park your car outside your garage, LOCK your vehicle. A large percentage of automobile break-ins involve unsecured vehicles.
  • Never leave valuables inside of the vehicle where they can be seen in plain view.
  • Do Not Keep Garage Door Openers in a Car Parked Outside

If you park your car outside with a garage opener in the car, then you might want to consider placing your garage door opener inside. A thief can break into your car, and then use the garage door opener within your car, to easily gain access to your garage and possibly your house as well.  If you need to park outside but want to use the garage opener as a way to enter the house when you get home, then develop a habit of bringing the garage door opener inside with you.  Over time, it will become as habitual as always grabbing your keys and your purse/wallet, and this will go a long way in preventing serious break-ins. Also it is recommended that you lock the door between your home and garage each evening or when you are gone.

  • Illuminate your yards and entranceways.  
  • Never open your home to anyone that you do not know.
  • Keep your doors locked whether you are at home or away.
  • Keep your garage door closed, even when at home or in the backyard.
  • Be observant of repair men, construction workers, or service workers. If their behavior or location seems out of the ordinary, notify the police on their main number.  This is NOT a 911 call.
  • Make use of timers. Just because you aren’t home doesn’t mean that you should keep all the lights off at all times. Set a timer and have the lights go on and off at specific times so that it looks like your home.
  • Get to know your immediate neighbors. Be familiar with what type of vehicles they drive, whether they have out of town guests, when will they be out of town, or if they will be having hired services performed at their homes. This can be one of the best ways to deter crime.