Spring has arrived!

1) Keep Our Storm Drains Clean

Street/storm drains are critical to keeping neighborhoods from flooding when it rains; when leaves/grass clippings collect in street gutters and block drains, water can back up and cause ponding that can flood yards and homes. You can help prevent flooding in our neighborhood with a few small maintenance actions on your property.

Keep leaves and debris out of drains:

  • Avoid piling yard waste such as fallen leaves, grass clippings, etc on your property where it could wash into city drains. Keep yard waste in a waste bin or other container.
  • Use a rake or broom to remove leaves and debris that may collect on or around street/storm drains, and then place the material in your yard waste container.
  • Blow, sweep, and pick up the debris in the street gutters in front of your lot.

By design, storm drains are self-cleaning; however, the drains are designed only for storm water and empty directly into major ditches and bayous. In order to limit environmental concerns, maintenance needs, or slow drainage/flooding issues, residents and/or lawn service personnel should never dispose of leaves, grass clippings, motor oil, or any other items/debris in the storm drains.

Please keep our drains clear


2) Dumping Over Hog Fence

The area beyond our perimeter hog fence is a natural area that belongs to our trail association, Kings Crossing Trail Association. It has been observed that trash, household and yard waste, has been disposed over the fence.

Homeowners/residents are kindly asked not to dispose of anything in that area. Our trash provider, Best Trash, will pick up all of the items observed dumped over the hog fence, if placed in a trash receptable or tied & bundled.

Also, if you have a personal lawn service, please speak with them to be sure they also do not dump anything in that area.

Please keep our area picked up and streets clean.

Thank you.

Woodridge Village Development Update 2

Contact: Jessica Beemer (832) 393-3008 districte@houstontx.gov

Houston, TX – Houston City Council Member Dave Martin would like to make residents in the Kingwood community aware that conversations are occurring at the highest level of leadership within Perry Homes, regarding the future of Woodridge Village. The developer is looking to do something over and beyond what they have already committed to in their memo provided to the City of Houston on October 17. While Council Member Martin was visiting St. Martha’s Catholic School and Bear Branch Village, yesterday, October 30, Perry Homes was working on their Detention Pond 2, inspecting their existing silt fencing and installing new silt fencing as well as installing hay bales at their intake, and removing sediment from their outfall structure.

In response to these most recent actions taken by Perry Homes, Council Member Martin would like to reiterate what he stated at the Kingwood Town Hall meeting held on October 17. As a non-engineer, Council Member Martin believes that it is in the best interest of the Kingwood community that Perry Homes abandon the site and stop all development of Woodridge Village. Once abandoned, the Woodridge Village property would be used solely for the purposes of drainage detention. If abandonment is not an option for Perry Homes, Council Member Martin suggests that Perry Homes agree to sell the property at a discounted rate to interested agencies like the City of Houston and/or Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) to be used a detention facility. This detention facility would be used to protect downstream communities from the drainage of upstream development. 

HCFCD is currently near the middle of their Kingwood Drainage Study (F-14), which is a part of the 2018 Harris County Flood Control Bond. As part of the study, HCFCD is reviewing existing level of service of existing ditches and possible alternatives to accommodate 100-year flood events which may include an expansion of the Kingwood Diversion Ditch. HCFCD plans to host a Kingwood Drainage Study progress meeting this December. Once a date has been scheduled, the District E Office will provide that information to the community. 

To view the first Woodridge Village Update please visit our site here. For more information, please contact Council Member Martin’s office at (832) 393-3008 or via email at districte@houstontx.gov.
