LHCA Board Updates

Penny Psajdl, Vice President, Lake Houston Community Association resigned effective February 11. The Board would like to thank Penny for being a valuable member of the board. Penny took on the responsibility of the pool and in her first year we dealt with all types of issues, and she handled each one right on, quickly & successfully. And our annual pool inspections were always interesting; she would communicate with the inspectors and learned from their input, enabling us to successfully receive a passing inspection. She was a very active and involved member and will be missed. Thank you! Best wishes to Penny.

Per the By-Laws of Lake Houston Community Association: Article VIII Officers and Duties, Section 6: Vacancies. A vacancy in any office may be filled by appointment by the Board. The officer appointed to such vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the term of the officer he replaces.

The Board of Directors have appointed Cheryl Austin to serve the remainder of the term, which expires November 2024. Cheryl and Tony, her husband, had lived in The Enclave since February 2019. Along with Cheryl’s appointment, the board made the following officer updates. Devon Alexander from Secretary to Vice President and Tim Hunt to Secretary.

The Lake Houston Community Association Board of Directors:

Connie Emerson, President

Devon Alexander, Vice President

Doug Round, Treasurer

Tim Hunt, Secretary

Cheryl Austin, Director

A Special “Thank You” to the Departing Lake Houston Community Association HOA Board Members

The new HOA Board wants to express a special “Thank You” to Dick Ireland, former President and Rosetta Korry, former Director. Their years of service on the Board have been immeasurable and the hours spent completing their duties, incomprehensible. We have been very fortunate to have such leaders serving our community, volunteering their time to maintain and improve our neighborhood. Fortunately, these people remain in our community and have made themselves available to us, giving us guidance when and where we need it. When you see these people out and about be sure to express a “thank you” to them as this community would not be as wonderful as it is without them.

Again, THANK YOU Dick & Rosetta!