Survey: The Enclave’s Annual Holiday Dinner @ Amedeo’s

Attention Enclave Residents

The Lake Houston Community Association Social Committee is already thinking about our annual holiday dinner at Amedeo’s Italian Restaurant. We have a few date options and would like to get your feedback.

Proposed Pre-Ordered Menu:

Green Salad with House Vinaigrette

Choice of: Southwest Chicken Rigatoni or Beef Lasagna

Dessert of Holiday Bread Pudding

$33 per person, inclusive of tax & gratuity. Includes Iced Tea and Coffee.

Please Respond to Survey By: Friday, September 22

Thank you!

This is not a RSVP. This is for survey purposes only.Number of people in your party, including yourself.

On Sunday, the restaurant is closed and only open for our group and seats up to 140. This requires a $500 deposit to book and $2000 food and beverage minimum (pretax and gratuity) to book a Sunday event in December. At $33 per person, we would need a commitment/paid 61 attendees, to cover the $2000 minimum.

On Saturday evening, the restaurant is open to the public and we would reserve the Wine Room. This area seats a maximum of 48 and could be extended to 80 including the lounge area.

Preference DateCheck One Date Only: