Messenger from Commissioner Cagle

As many of you know, a 3-2 majority on Commissioners Court recently passed a surprise redistricting plan based on a map released to the public only a few hours before its approval. That plan, which Precinct 3 Commissioner Tom S. Ramsey and I opposed, disrupts the lives of more than half our residents by changing the precincts of more than 2.3 million residents – mostly those of you in northern and western Harris County.

The decision prompted several lawsuits seeking to overturn the plan in favor of a less intrusive one that more closely mirrors our previous precinct lines. Although these lawsuits are still pending, Commissioner Ramsey and I now must begin the monumental task of moving on from decades-long partnerships to forge new ones in our new precincts. Despite the numerous challenges ahead, we will work together closely to make this transition as smooth as possible for all our constituents.

As my time as your commissioner concludes, I want to thank all of you who entrusted me with serving this wonderful precinct. With your support, we accomplished extraordinary things over the past decade. We built an unrivaled parks system with a 17-mile urban greenway, provided hundreds of new events and activities, and maintained the county’s largest road and bridge system – all with no extra funding.

Although I no longer represent your area, I trust Precinct 3 Commissioner Tom S. Ramsey to provide the same exceptional service that you received from Precinct 4. I wish you all the best, and I look forward to watching the old and the new Precinct 4 continue to grow and prosper.

Thank you again.
R. Jack Cagle

Your Precinct May Have Changed!

As you may know, County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Commissioners Rodney Ellis and Adrian Garcia approved a surprise redistricting plan last month that – without warning – changed the commissioner precincts of more than 2 million residents of Harris County Precincts 3 and 4.

If you are reading this, you are likely one of those whose county representation has changed. Precinct 3 Commissioner Tom S. Ramsey and I opposed this plan and, because it was approved so quickly and without advanced planning, we are now scrambling to implement it while minimizing disruptions to your county services and programs.

I encourage you to consult our interactive map to find out which Harris County commissioner now serves you. I also urge you to sign up for alerts from your commissioner by clicking the buttons below.

If you would like to continue receiving news and information from my Harris County Precinct 4 office, please resubscribe to Commissioner’s E-Corner. For those who have been redistricted into Commissioner Ramsey’s Precinct 3, you may learn more about that precinct here.

R. Jack Cagle

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Message from Commissioner Cagle

Dear Friends: I want to make you aware of two important issues developing at Harris County Commissioners Court this Tuesday, June 29. 

The County Judge submitted an agenda item today “requesting to create a County Administrator position and realign county department operations under a streamlined organizational and reporting structure.”
View agenda item 454 letter and backup here

To further explain, each Texas county has four commissioners and a county judge who serve on a commissioners court. Harris County is divided into four precincts, and the voters of each precinct elect a commissioner to serve a four -year term. The voters of Harris County also elect a county judge to a four-year term. With this new structure, services now provided by each precinct, and directly responsible to the voters, could become centralized and managed similar to the City of Houston. 

The appointment of a County Administrator by three members of Commissioners Court could effectively remove the responsibility from your elected officials and strip residents of their ability to have local representation. 

These recommendations stem from a study conducted by an out-of-state consultant, PFM Consulting Group, Inc. This consulting firm, run by an executive who advocates for defunding of law enforcement (Read more here), has been paid more than $5 million to study Harris County. The firm is critical of the ability of local elected officials and law enforcement to serve constituents. PFM also favors eliminating the county’s rollover program – an initiative that encourages fiscal responsibility.

I also have an item on the agenda (Item 442), requesting the court restore the rollover for law enforcement agencies that was taken away by Commissioners Court in a divided vote, in light of state legislative action banning defunding of police. 

As I have said before in Commissioners Court, there are three B’s surrounding these issues: BUREAUCRACY, BASICS, and BALLOT BOXBUREAUCRACY does not add to efficiency; it is best practices for Harris County to focus on the BASICS; and the BALLOT BOX holds us accountable to these responsibilities.

If you have an opinion on these matters, or other matters that may appear before the Court, I encourage you to make your voice heard. Call my office at 832-927-4444 or email Sign up here to make your voice heard in Commissioners Court.          

If you wish to express your opinion on these issues, you may also contact your county elected officials: County Judge Lina Hidalgo, who also represents you in these matters.

Precinct 1 Commissioner Rodney Ellis
Precinct 2 Commissioner Adrian Garcia
Precinct 3 Commissioner Tom Ramsey, P.E. 

Commissioner R. Jack Cagle

Message from Commissioner Cagle

Dear Friends:

The Texas General Land Office (GLO) made the shocking decision this week to reject requests by Harris County and the City of Houston for approximately $900 million each in federal flood mitigation funding tied to Hurricane Harvey.

The GLO decision mocks common sense. I believe those flood relief funds should go to those of us who bore the brunt of the second-most costly storm in our nation’s history. Hurricane Harvey caused more damage in the Harris County region than in any other part of Texas. Dozens of our neighbors were killed, and many thousands of our friends and family lost their homes and businesses. It affected all of us, and we all continue the work toward recovery.

And yet we received NOTHING.

This absurd decision by the GLO prompted me to reach out personally to Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush, the elected official who oversees the GLO. Mr. Bush told me that recent changes in the application process and interpretation of criteria for awarding these funds forced the agency’s hand. I made it very clear to Mr. Bush that this decision created a gross injustice to my constituents and to our region as a whole. In response, Mr. Bush said that he could do nothing about this first batch of funds, but he promised he would not oppose Harris County and the City Of Houston receiving a direct allocation of other federal payments already headed to Texas.

Rest assured, I will continue to work with other city and county officials to recoup our region’s appropriate share of needed federal funds, and I will hold Mr. Bush to his commitment regarding future funding as well.


Commissioner R. Jack Cagle