CANCELLED: The Quarterly Lake Houston Community Association Board Meeting – July 10

The quarterly Lake Houston Community Association Board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, July 10, 2024 (today) at 3:00 pm is cancelled due to the impact of Beryl on power within our community and the library.

A notice will be sent out when the meeting is rescheduled.

BERYL to Hit Texas Coast – Prepare & Stay Informed

At the time of this posting, BERYL has crossed the Yucatán Península, and the cone of the probable path continues to shift to the Texas coast and/or to include the Houston/Galveston area. Beryl is anticipated to gain strength and return to hurricane status before making landfall on Monday. We are forecasted to be on the wet or ‘dirty’ side of this storm. This means we will be impacted with the heavy rains and the rains will continue next week. Sources to stay informed are the National Hurricane Center, the National Weather Service and the local TV channels & their websites.

Many of you have been through major rain events, tropical storms and even hurricanes while living here in The Enclave. Below is information and resources for you to review and assist you in preparing for this and future storms.

Please prepare taking into account that we may experience power outages, both short and long term.

  • Connect with your neighbors. Let them know your plans and stay in touch
  • Gas up your vehicle. This is important if you choose to leave the area or if we experience an extended power outage
  • Check around your home & yard: remove loose debris, secure trash cans or other items that could be impacted by high winds, check and clear atrium & street drains, etc.
  • Check your pantry. Be sure you have food & water for 3 to 7 days.
  • Keep Cell Phones charged and batteries charged. Have your charging cords readily available
  • Have flashlight ready, available with charged batteries
  • If you have a generator, either portable or built in, please consider your neighbors. If we experience an extended power outage, please check to see if your neighbor needs to refrigerate medications or maybe food, if you have room. Also, your neighbors may need to charge up their cell phones or battery packs. Make your neighbors really jealous of your generator!

Below are attached sources for additional information as well as preparation checklists.



This is an IMPORTANT message from ReadyHarris

January 21, 2024

ReadyHarris Urges Weather Awareness This Week

The Harris County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (HCOHSEM) is monitoring a series of fronts that will bring heavy rain to our area on beginning Sunday night and continuing through Wednesday.

The heaviest rain is expected to occur on Monday. Residents can expect 2-3 inches of rain with some areas receiving up to 5 inches. Our biggest threat will be potential high rainfall rates of 1-2 inches per hour that could lead to street flooding and rises in our network of creeks and bayous.

Tuesday rainfall is expected in the 1–3-inch range with Wednesday totals of 1-2 inches.

Hazards like high winds, hail, and tornadoes are not expected.

The City of Houston has announced that they will lower water level in Lake Houston by one foot in preparation for this rain event.

Residents should be weather aware and have multiple ways of receiving updated forecasts and warnings from the National Weather Service through the entire Monday through Wednesday period.
Motorists should expect rain during both morning and afternoon drive times. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Remember: Turn Around Don’t Drown! Check the Houston TranStar live traffic map for information on road conditions.

You can see up-to-the-minute information on waterway conditions using the Harris County Flood Control District Flood Warning System.

HCOHSEM will provide updates via social media, Ready Harris Alerts and Ready Harris Accessible Alerts.

The heaviest rain is expected to occur on Monday. Residents can expect 2-3 inches of rain with some areas receiving up to 5 inches. Our biggest threat will be potential high rainfall rates of 1-2 inches per hour that could lead to street flooding and rises in our network of creeks and bayous. Tuesday rainfall is expected in the 1–3-inch range with Wednesday totals of 1-2 inches.

ReadyHarris insta a estar al tanto del clima esta semana

 La Oficina de Seguridad Nacional y Manejo de Emergencias del Condado de Harris (HCOHSEM) está monitoreando una serie de frentes que traerán fuertes lluvias a nuestra área a partir del domingo por la noche y continuando hasta el miércoles.

Se espera que las lluvias más intensas ocurran el lunes. Los residentes pueden esperar entre 2 y 3 pulgadas de lluvia, con algunas áreas recibiendo hasta 5 pulgadas. Nuestra mayor preocupación será la posibilidad de tasas de lluvia elevadas de 1 a 2 pulgadas por hora, lo que podría provocar inundaciones en las calles y aumentos en nuestra red de arroyos y ríos.

Se espera que las lluvias del martes estén en el rango de 1 a 3 pulgadas, con totales de 1 a 2 pulgadas el miércoles. No se esperan peligros como vientos fuertes, granizo o tornados.

La Ciudad de Houston ha anunciado que reducirá el nivel del agua en el lago Houston en un pie en preparación para este evento de lluvia.

Los residentes deben estar atentos al clima y tener varias formas de recibir pronósticos actualizados y advertencias del Servicio Nacional de Meteorología durante todo el período desde el lunes hasta el miércoles.

Los conductores deben esperar lluvias tanto en las horas de la mañana como en las de la tarde. No conduzca su vehículo por carreteras inundadas. Recuerde: ¡Dé la vuelta, no se ahogue! Consulte el mapa de tráfico en vivo de Houston TranStar para obtener información sobre las condiciones de la carretera.

Puede obtener información actualizada sobre las condiciones de los cuerpos de agua utilizando el Sistema de Advertencia de Inundaciones del Distrito de Control de Inundaciones del Condado de Harris.

HCOHSEM proporcionará actualizaciones a través de redes sociales, alertas Ready Harris y alertas accesibles Ready Harris.


January 20, 2024
Contact: Dustin Hodges (832) 393-3008

Lake Houston Lowering in Advance of Rain
HOUSTON – Council Member Fred Flickinger would like to make Lake Houston residents aware, Houston Public Works is monitoring weather forecasts for the Lake Houston region, with predicted rainfall of 3-5+ inches in our watershed beginning Monday through the week. The forecast of 3+ inches of rain in our watershed triggers the opening of Lake Houston Spillway Gates. Property owners along the lake should take measures to secure property along the shoreline. Additionally, residents are asked to secure patio and outdoor furniture. Lake Houston will begin lowering Sunday afternoon with lowering being completed before rain starts on Monday. The Lake Houston Spillway Gates will remain open to manage storm inflows until inclement weather has moved from our region. Lake Houston is currently at 42.22 feet (normal pool is 42.4 feet) and Lake Conroe is at 200.64 feet (normal pool is 201 feet). Please remember it is important to utilize verified news sources for inclement weather information as well as tune in to local news stations for changing forecasts. To monitor current water levels at Lake Houston, visit To see current levels for Lake Conroe you can visit Please also keep in mind with rain events flash flooding is always possible, stay weather aware and avoid roadways if possible during rain events. It only take 6 inches of water to move a car. Always turn around, don’t drown.
For more information, please contact the District E office at (832) 393-3008 or via email at
Council Member Fred Flickinger City of Houston | 900 Bagby, Houston, TX 77002
Lake Houston Water Level via Coastal Water Authority

Hurricane season will officially begin on June 1, 2019 and will end on November 30, 2019.

The 2019 Atlantic hurricane season is an ongoing event in the annual formation of tropical cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere. The season will officially begin on June 1, 2019 and will end on November 30, 2019. These dates historically describe the period each year when most tropical cyclones form in the Atlantic basin and are adopted by convention. However, tropical cyclogenesis is possible at any time of the year.

Don’t be caught off guard. Prepare now by gathering medical supplies, food, water and tools that will help you weather any storm.
Visit to learn how to keep your family safe.

Here is more information from one of our local TV channels:

KHOU Channel 11 Severe Weather Guide 2019