We wish to inform you that the pool will be closed on Friday, February 21. This closure is necessary due to an ongoing water loss issue for which we have yet to determine the cause.
We have enlisted the services of a professional company to perform leak detection tests to locate and address the problem. During this time, we kindly request that you allow sufficient space for the personnel from the leak detection company to conduct their work efficiently and safely.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
Again, it has been reported that a different dog owner with an unleashed dog was encountered within The Enclave.
The neighbor encountered an unleashed brown dog at the community pool. The dog was accompanied by a man and another man with a leashed black dog was in the area. The neighbor explained to the gentlemen with the black dog on the leash that her dog had been attacked by an unleashed dog during a recent walk through the neighborhood. When she spotted the dog off-leash, she did let the man with the dog know that dogs, by law, are to be leashed. Although the gentleman with the brown dog responded, ‘he is friendly’, it is a City of Houston ordinance that dogs must be leashed.
After consulting with the Kingwood Police Station, they provided the following advice: Since the dog leash requirement is a City of Houston Ordinance, please contact the Kingwood Police Station at their non-emergency number, 713 884-3131, to report any loose dog(s). This should be done at the time of the incident. You will need to provide the address or nearest location address where the dog was seen loose. If possible, also provide the address of the owner or house associated with the dog.
If you carry a cell phone during your walk, they suggest taking a photo of the incident. The police will then take it from there. While the recent loose dog incident was discussed with the police, a formal complaint was not filed.
You may also contact Vickie Cain, Community Association Manager at Goodwin & Co., with the same information if the owner is known. She will send them a letter. This might be a good option if you believe it is a first-time offense, and the dog posed no threat to a person or another animal. This may serve as a warning, before taking further steps by filing a complaint with the Kingwood Police.
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