Bens Branch Update & Mouthbar Dredging and Floodgate Update

Monthly Newsletter
June 7, 2019  Issue 77

Residents of District E,  
Some residents may already be aware that due to a posting error made by the City of Houston’s Agenda Director earlier this week, the vote of the City of Houston’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 budget has been delayed to June 19, 2019. Since May 8, the City of Houston has conducted departmental budget workshops to learn the ins and outs of department spending. This year, the departments were asked to prepare budgets that included a 5% reduction in department expenditures and identify opportunities to increase revenue. The FY ’20 budget does not include payment deferrals on City buildings, Houston Firefighter layoffs, municipal employee layoffs, or any demotions. To watch the upcoming City Council meetings and the budget vote you may tune in to Houston Television (HTV) on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. by following this link. The budget vote is expected to be taken on Wednesday, June 19. 

This year, I submitted five amendments to the City of Houston budget which included an amendment to create a Lake Houston Maintenance Fund using net funds from existing Lake Houston permitting fees related to boat docks/piers/bulkheads, increase transparency of the City of Houston Budget by creating an in-depth online database to house the city’s payroll, checkbook, budget and revenue similar to that of the Los Angeles City Controller, remove all unbudgeted and unassigned special revenue funds directing those amounts to the City of Houston’s fund balance, appropriate revenues and resources in excess of the FY 20 budget to the City’s fund balance and implement zero-based-budgeting for the City of Houston. I was happy to see Council Member Mike Knox had authored a similar amendment and as a result we have partnered to co-author the zero-based-budget amendment. 

If the zero-based-budget amendment does not pass, my final amendment seeks to implement performance based budgeting. Overall this year there were thirty-three amendments submitted by eleven of sixteen City of Houston Council Members. Amendments will be presented at the City Council meeting on June 19. 

As in years past and moving forward, I will continue to work hard alongside my colleagues to make fiscally conservative decisions regarding the city’s finances and fight for District E residents.

Finally, as June 1 marked the start of Hurricane Season, we have included tips and resources in the contents of this newsletter to encourage you staying informed and being prepared for upcoming storms. Prepare you and your family today by following a four-step preparedness process: make an emergency plan, have an emergency kit, be informed about disasters, and help members of your community prepare themselves.

As always, it is a pleasure to represent you. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your District Council Member.

Dave Martin


Bens Branch Update
Bens Branch, a channel within the Kingwood community stretching from Northpark to the West Fork of the San Jacinto River, was completely inundated with water and sediment during Hurricane Harvey. As a result, a considerable buildup of sediment infiltrated the southern bends of the channel south of Kingwood Drive around Town Center and behind the Lake Houston YMCA. This stretch of Bens Branch Channel from Kingwood Drive to about 1,800 linear feet downstream of West Lake Houston Parkway, is owned by the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD).  

As property owners of this channel, HCFCD has completed their field survey of the reach to remove sediment accumulations within the system and restore channel conveyance capacity. Conveyance Restoration on Bens Branch is currently in the bidding phase.  More specifically, the project is being advertised for bids, and formal bids are due for this project on June 17, 2019.  Once the bids have been received and evaluated, a construction contract for the work will be awarded by the Harris County Commissioners Court, and the project work will be scheduled to begin following the contract award.  Based on the current bid and award process timeline, the project is scheduled to begin in early August of 2019.  

Other channels in Kingwood and the Lake Houston communities within the City of Houston are also being evaluated by HCFCD for projects. Currently, there is one portion of Ben’s Branch, between Woodland Hills and Rocky Woods Drive, that is under final review with City of Houston Legal, HCFCD and the Bens Branch Trail Association. Once that final review is complete HCFCD will be the owners of the Bens Branch channel from Northpark Drive to 1,800 linear feet south of the channel’s intersection with West Lake Houston Parkway. Eventually all open and natural channels will be maintained by HCFCD while the City of Houston maintains all closed storm sewer systems and drainage. 

Mouthbar Dredging and Floodgate Update
Today, June 7, Council Member Martin and Chief Resiliency Officer Stephen Costello are again in Austin meeting with representatives from the Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM) and Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) to discuss two crucial projects in the Lake Houston Area. The meeting is to continue the discussion regarding the dredging of the sediment accumulation south of Deerwood Country Club known as the “mouth bar” as well as the construction of flood gates near the Lake Houston Spillway Dam. 

The application process for these projects has been long and frustrating but all agencies: City of Houston (COH) TDEM, FEMA Recovery and the FEMA Regional Office, have been working together through the arduous Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). The projects being proposed are much more complex than those previously submitted to the HMGP program and all agencies are pushing the program’s boundaries. Testing the limits of the program has required more scrutiny to prove cost effectiveness, clearly define budget, and a laser focused scope. 

Currently, the finish line is in site after many months of work and thanks to the level of interagency collaboration these projects have greatly improved lines of communications in a way that allows us to challenge the status quo. For example, the Lake Houston Downstream analysis was originally asked to occur before the project was even submitted. After the City of Houston communicated it made more sense for the Lake Houston Downstream analysis to occur as part of phase one of the project, TDEM and FEMA agreed, which significantly sped up the application process. While it is easy to focus on the lack of deliverables related to these two projects they have brought about a level of work between municipal, state, and federal agencies in ways that have never been achieved before. 

Please continue to believe in the process as every precaution is being taken to make sure these projects are done correctly the first time with maximum benefit to all parties. More updates will be provided in future newsletters but at this time this is all the information that is available. Thank you, Kingwood and Lake Houston for the spirit of community that can be seen as these devastating events have brought us closer together.

District E Intern The District E office welcomes intern Brianna Huberty, who is returning to the District E office for the third consecutive summer. Brianna is the proud daughter of Janet and Dan Huberty. You may know Dan Huberty as Chairman of the Texas Public Education Committee who finally after several years of hard work passed the monumental House Bill 3 education bill this session. 

Brianna is currently attending Texas Tech University and will be starting her sophomore year this fall. Brianna is also a member of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority at Texas Tech and a Chancellor’s Ambassador for the Texas Tech System. Brianna is excited to be back this summer, and rejoining the District E Council Team.

District E Fire Stations
Council Member Dave Martin would like to make District E residents aware conditions at several Houston Fire Department (HFD) Stations within District E have continued to decline over the years. The Houston Fire Stations within District E were never built for professional firefighters as they were originally designed as volunteer fire stations before annexation.  

Unfortunately, the rains that occurred the week of May 6, 2019 significantly flooded HFD Station 101 before HFD could address these concerns. After evaluating and approving plans, renovations began at HFD Station 101 on June 3 and are expected to continue through late June, weather permitting. Since HFD Station 101 was flooded it created a very urgent situation expediting the need for immediate renovations at its location. The safety of firefighters and their working conditions are the highest priority. The conditions created after these rain events put our first responders in unnecessary danger and that risk needed to be eliminated swiftly.  

As a result, HFD Station 101 is currently closed for immediate renovations to address these issues exacerbated by the rain. We appreciate and share in the public’s concern for those that put their lives on the line for our community each day. Please know the crew and equipment remains in the area at nearby HFD Stations 102 and 104 ready to serve you and your neighbors should the need arise. 

We hope this situation provides a sense of urgency within HFD to prioritize the additional repairs at other stations in Clear Lake, Huffman, Kingwood, Lake Houston, and Southeast Houston. These recent and more frequent rain events in the Houston area have renewed a sense of urgency to improve the work environments for firefighters. Council Member Martin will not allow the firefighters at HFD Station 101 to live and sleep for their 24-hour shift in post flood conditions until all work is completed, including mold remediation. 

Since 2014, Council Member Martin has continued to advocate for renovations at the District E Fire Stations within Clear Lake, Huffman, Kingwood, Lake Houston, and Southeast Houston. Council Member Martin has designated over half a million dollars of the District E Council District Service Fund for HFD, including items like: modular building repairs at HFD Station 53, purchase of storage for HFD Stations 65, 72, 94, and 105, converting appliances at HFD Station 103 to natural gas, replacement of booster trucks at HFD Station 65 and 103, construction of a watch office at HFD Station 102, as well as the purchase of supply hoses for both HFD Station 72 and 52. This is not to overlook the continued advocacy for the much needed HFD Station 95 Capital Improvement Project, which would create an additional fire station in the Clear Lake area.  Council Member Martin and the District E office continue to work with all District E HFD Stations to evaluate their needs on an annual basis for other areas of assistance.

Forest Cove Townhomes
Council Member Martin would like to make residents aware that Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) has continued with the demolition of some properties located in the Forest Cove Townhome Community as part of their Home Buyout Program.  

HCFCD has purchased approximately 65% of the townhomes. Demolition is complete at 803 and 805 Timberline Court, as well as 1060 Marina Drive. 1040 Marina Drive and 1050 Marina Drive are in the process of demolition and a demolition request has been submitted for 1020 Marina Drive, 1030 Marina Drive, and 707 Timberline Court. There are several other units that are almost completely under HCFCD’s ownership and once they are completely owned, their demolitions will follow. 

Thank you to City of Houston Department of Neighborhoods Director TaKasha Francis for her assistance with expediting the demolition permit process. These townhomes are a constant reminder to the community of the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey. HCFCD has done a tremendous job in keeping our office informed on the status of the demolition process for these Hurricane Harvey buyout properties.

NFIP Flood Claims Workshop
The City of Houston and Montgomery County have partnered together to host a flood claims workshop at the Kingwood Community Center located at 4102 Rustic Woods, Kingwood, Texas 77345 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 19, 2019. 

This event is for individuals that suffered from previous flood damages and have questions about the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policy claims process, FEMA representatives will be available to provide resources and answer questions. It does not matter what event caused the flood damage, all who have been affected are invited to attend for assistance with submitting a flood claim. 

Special thank you to Montgomery County on this partnership. The District E office looks forward to future opportunities to work together. 

Insperity Groundbreaking
On May 28, 2019, Insperity announced the expansion of its corporate headquarters with the construction of a fifth building on the Kingwood campus. The new facility will consist of a 10-story, 270,000-square-foot building and six-level parking garage that will be located on the parcel of land near the corner of Interstate 69 and Kingwood Drive.  The building, designed to complement the existing architecture on the campus, will accommodate approximately 1,000 employees. 

Construction by D.E. Harvey Builders will begin this month and is expected to be complete in 2020. 

As part of this corporate expansion, Insperity is working with the City of Houston and Trees For Houston, a nonprofit organization dedicated to planting, protecting and promoting trees, on a multi-year reforestation initiative to replace trees removed for construction purposes.  In addition, Insperity will make a $25,000 contribution to Trees For Houston. This initiative gives back to the community by helping to improve common areas that were affected by Hurricane Harvey. 

Woodland Hills/Northpark Drive Intersection Overlay
Houston Public Works crews will be performing an asphalt overlay at the intersection of Woodland Hills and Northpark Drive.  Construction has begun at the intersection and is expected to be complete by the end of June, weather permitting.  

The scope of work includes resurfacing the asphalt street located at the intersection of Woodland Hills and Northpark Drive. This process includes milling off an approximate 2-inch layer of old asphalt, repairing the base as needed, spraying tack coat and overlaying 2 inches of new asphalt surface pavement.  Crews are expected to work between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, in an effort to avoid peak traffic hours. Crews may also work weekends, if necessary. 

As a result of the construction activities, please be aware of flagmen and orange traffic cones that will be put in place on site to help with traffic flow through the construction zone as temporary lane closures are expected. Lanes will be open in each direction during peak traffic hours. Residents and businesses may experience temporary delays due to modified traffic signal timing and may experience an increase in noise levels due to trucks and equipment in the area.

Hamblen Road Repairs
On May 15, Houston Public Works began repairs to the wash out on Hamblen Road, between Redbud Lane and Bonnie Glen Lane. The wash out occurred as a result of the May 7th storm. The repairs include complete reconstruction of the washed out roadway. 

Crews will be working during the daylight hours and will not be working weekends.  The project should be completed within the next two weeks, weather permitting. Residents may experience an increase in noise levels because of trucks and equipment in the area.

Forest Cove SWAT Project Update
The first Forest Cove roadside ditch rehabilitation project conducted by the Storm Water Action Team (SWAT) has been completed. The project boundaries were enclosed by Laurel Springs Lane, Players Path, and Golden Bear Lane, as well as Masters Way. The scope of work included: 

  • Regrading and re-establishing of the roadside ditches;
  • Replacing of the culverts and resetting them to match the flow line of the ditch;
  • Replacing the driveway where the culverts are replaced;
  • Increasing the capacity of any culverts less than 24 inches in diameter;
  • Removing any unpermitted culverts or other encroachments in the City Right of Way. 

The District E office understands the drainage concerns within the community and will continue working with the SWAT Team to evaluate roadside ditches and provide projects as funding becomes available

West Lake Houston Traffic Signals
As of this month, the new traffic signals at the intersection of Kings Crossing and West Lake Houston Parkway, as well as Northpark and West Lake Houston Parkway, are on and fully functioning. 

Council Member Martin thanks the Lake Houston Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone 10 (TIRZ) for their diligent work on these intersection improvements and looks forward to the improved mobility this will provide to the Kingwood area.

Houston Parks Board Project Update
The Houston Parks Board is working in close partnership with the District E Office, Harris County Precinct Four Commissioner Cagle, Harris County Flood Control District, community groups and partners to plan a new San Jacinto Greenway. The greenway will feature a hike-and-bike trail, wayfinding signage, benches, trash cans, recycling bins, wildflower plantings and more. This greenway will connect to the Spring Creek and Cypress Creek trail systems on the west end and connect to the Kingwood trail system on the east end. 

The San Jacinto Greenway project is part of a larger initiative called Bayou Greenways 2020 being led by the nonprofit Houston Parks Board in partnership with the City of Houston and in close cooperation with the Harris County Flood Control District. Bayou Greenways 2020 will create a continuous park system along Houston’s major waterways, transform more than 3,000 underutilized acres along the bayous into linear parks and connect 150 miles of hike-and-bike trails.

Loop 494 Widening Project
The Loop 494 Widening Project is a multijurisdictional project involving Montgomery County and the Texas Department of Transportation. The scope of work includes:

  • Widening 1.7-mile facility to a 4-lane divided highway
  • Continuous left-turn lane from Kingwood Drive to Crescent Springs Drive
  • Raised median from Crescent Springs Drive to Sorters-McClellan
  • Road Reconstruction of the Kingwood Intersection and elevate intersection to remove dip at RR
  • Sidewalk installation along the west side of Loop 494 that will allow pedestrians to cross Kingwood Drive at the signal

The Texas Department of Transportation has finalized a contract and the contractor is planning to begin work by the end of July. The project is scheduled to take approximately 25 months to complete. More information on the project can be found by reading the Public Meeting Summary that occurred on March 29, 2017 and the Public Hearing Summary that occurred on November 9, 2010.

Loop 494

Clear Lake

Clear Lake Dynamic Message Signs

On Tuesday, June 4, Council Member Martin was made aware of four Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) being constructed near the following intersections: Clear Lake City Boulevard and Space Center Boulevard, Bay Area Boulevard and Space Center Boulevard, Bay Area Boulevard and El Camino Real, and El Dorado and Highway 3.   

The District E Office has confirmed with the Director of Houston Public Works (HPW) these signs are being constructed by HPW through the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Grant Program. Council Member Martin has made it clear to HPW it was completely unacceptable for the contractor to begin work without project notification. 

Based on Council Member Martin’s concerns and the feedback the District E office received from the community, HPW Director Carol Haddock has requested a complete work stoppage at all locations within Clear Lake. No further progress will occur at these locations at this time. Over the next few days, residents can expect to see crews on site securing and improving safety at these locations.  

Thank you to the residents who have contacted our office regarding this matter. We will continue to work with HPW closely to improve future communications and coordinate on a plan moving forward with these DMS signs. The District E office plans to provide further communication on next steps by the end of the month.

El Dorado Widening Update
Harris County Precinct 2 has updated the District E office we remain on track for the project to begin in September 2019 with the relocation of the existing power poles. The project construction is anticipated to begin in the third quarter of 2019 following the relocation of the power poles, and will conclude 18 months later.  With questions on this update, please contact the District E office at, and we will be happy to coordinate with Harris County Precinct 2.

District E Welcomes Commander Matthew May to Clear Lake HPD Substation The District E office welcomes Commander Matthew May to the Houston Police Department Clear Lake Substation. Commander Matthew May is a 24-year veteran of the Houston Police Department, now leading the 126 police officers of Clear Lake Division. This responsibility involves providing patrol services to 158,000 residents in the Clear Lake area, which covers 47 square miles. 

A native Houstonian, Commander Matthew May grew up on the southwest side of Houston. He attended Bellaire High school and graduated from Texas A&M University in 1992. Commander May joined the Houston Police Department in 1995, patrolling HPD’s Central and Westside beats. During this time he also attended the South Texas College of Law at night and earned his Juris Doctorate in 2004. As a sergeant, he worked the South Central patrol, Homicide Division and Chief’s Command. As a Lieutenant he was assigned to Special Operations before he was promoted to Commander. Commander May has worked multiple assignments as a Commander, most recently in the Robbery Division. 

Commander May is committed to the concept of relational policing wherein each contact with a citizen is an opportunity to improve relationships and a means by which to build trust.  He works to understand and liaison with community leaders, activists, and special interest groups to find a common ground, regardless of the issue.  Commander May is especially committed to the use of technology and data-driven analysis to help in the reduction of crime and bridge the gaps in trust and communication with the police. 

As of early May, Commander Dana Hitzman has been transferred to the Auto Theft Division and the District E Office thanks her for diligence and dedication to the Clear Lake area during her time as Commander.

Horsepen Bayou HCFCD Update
In late 2018, Harris County Commissioners Court approved an $810,161.00 agreement with an engineering firm to conduct the preliminary engineering report of the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) Horsepen Bayou and Tributaries Channel Improvements Project. This project involves approximately six miles of channel conveyance improvements along Horsepen Bayou (between Ellington Field and Bay Area Boulevard), HCFCD Unit B104-00-00, and its tributaries in the Armand Bayou Watershed. 

The preliminary engineering stage of the project will involve analysis of hydrology and channel hydraulics in the study area resulting in a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER). This PER will result in a recommended project that can be taken to Harris County Commissioners Court for approval then advance to the design stage. The PER will identify needed right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation and a preliminary cost estimate. The total allocation for this multi-stage project is currently $6 million and included in the HCFCD bond project list.

Wilson Memorial Park Update
The construction phase of the Wilson Memorial Park moat removal project has been completed. The former moat area was hydro-seeded at the end of May. The rains the area has been receiving will help the grass seed begin to grow. The former moat now serves two purposes. The first is that of catching rainwater from a large area of the park, which should help with flooding in the park. 
Secondly, this area, during drier months, will also serve as additional green space for residents to enjoy. When the grass growth is completed the project will be considered complete. Council Member Martin is happy to see majority of this project completed in time for residents to utilize the Wilson Memorial Park Pool. As a reminder, the pool opened Memorial Day weekend and will remain open through August 11, 2019. Regular summer operating hours are Tuesday through Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. except for swimwise sites. All pools are closed on Monday.

Citizens for Space Exploration Legislative Trip to D.C. 
For the past few years, Council Member Martin has made an annual trip to Washington, D.C. with Citizens for Space Exploration (CSE). This was CSE’s 28th year to travel to D.C. as a multi-state organization comprised of community leaders, space industry representatives, college students and other citizens from across the country who support America’s continued investment in human space exploration. Council Member Martin returned to our nation’s capital on May 21 for this year’s trip, which was led by staff from the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership (BAHEP). 

On the trip, Council Member Martin had the opportunity to visit a number of congressional offices to discuss the importance of NASA and space exploration to the greater Houston region as well as to the country and the world. This year’s CSE delegation featured students from over 28 states and accomplished over 390 congressional office visits, more than any of the group’s previous 27 annual trips. Council Member Martin thanks the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership for organizing another successful and informative trip.

BAHEP Luncheon
On Tuesday, May 28, Council Member Martin attended Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership’s Federal Congressional Update featuring Congressman Brian Babin. Congressman Babin has been influential in helping pass several hurricane recovery bills that targeted billions of dollars in relief funds and mitigation dollars for Texas. 

Earlier in May, Dr. Babin joined other Texas members to push these billions of dollars, which are currently held up by several federal agencies, be released within 60 days. Additionally, Dr. Babin continues to advocate for the dredging and widening of the Port of Houston, while staying committed to ensuring the Johnson Space Center maintains a leading role in NASA’s human space flight, technology development, deep space exploration efforts. 

Thank you to Congressman Babin for participating in this event, and to BAHEP for organizing a wonderful presentation and lunch.

District E Wide

Social Media
Social media is a great tool the District E Office uses to distribute information to residents quickly. While social media sites may be easy to navigate and share information, they are not the official means of communication to report City of Houston related issues. When communicating with the District E Office on social media the first question in response  will be if the issue being posted has been communicated to Houston 3-1-1 and/or the District E Office. These actions should always be the first two things done when reporting a City of Houston issue. Residents need to make an official report to Houston 3-1-1 which can be made by calling 713-837-0311. 

After your 3-1-1 report has been made please follow up with a phone call (832-393-3008) and/or email ( to the District E Office. Following this process will ensure anyone reporting an issue one-on-one service directly from District E staff. The District E staff is also happy to assist residents in entering Houston 3-1-1 reports. The District E staff is in the community weekly, if not daily, and does their best to be apprised of all situations affecting residents, but please keep in mind that District E can only assist on cases and issues the office is made aware.

3-1-1 Policy Change
The District E office was made aware of an issue when residents called 3-1-1 to report flooding from the May 7 and May 9 storms that operators were not cooperating.

Through the diligence of our office, there has been a policy change so the issue with reporting structural flooding and flood related storm debris should be resolved. However please continue to report any issues with 3-1-1 reporting to the District E Office by calling 832-393-3008 or emailing 

Background: After previous major flood events such as Harvey and the Tax Day flood, the city created special event-specific service request numbers to collect city-wide flooding and storm debris data for FEMA reporting. Last month’s storms weren’t as widespread, but still generated localized flooding and storm debris. This created some confusion over how to report flooding and debris reports in 3-1-1. 

Since storms are becoming more frequent, and even a relatively small storm can produce severe results, 3-1-1 is going to make the flooding and storm debris service request numbers permanent. This means that anytime anyone reports flooding or storm debris, whether it’s a Tax Day or just a Tuesday, 3-1-1 will create a service request and send it to the appropriate department to process.

This policy change has been shared with all 3-1-1 agents.

Mayor Seeks Local Arts Projects Proposals for Competition for Federal Grants

The City of Houston invites proposals for local public art projects that Mayor Sylvester Turner would endorse for potential grant funding by a National Endowment for the Arts program called “Our Town”.

The federal agency’s grant program is interested in art projects tied to community priorities such as public safety, health, blight and vacancy, environment, job creation, equity, local business development, education, civic participation, and/or community cohesion. The “Our Town” program supports projects that create lively, beautiful, and resilient places with the arts at their core. The grant embraces the expanding role that culture plays in communities.

The mayor may nominate two Houston projects for grants up to $200,000. Artists and organizations who receive the grants must provide matching funds.

Applications guided by the City’s Arts and Cultural Plan will be most competitive for the mayor’s endorsement.  For more about the Arts and Cultural Plan visit this page. Applicants should submit their concepts, with identified artists and partners, no later than June 18, 2019 to  Applicants should consult the Our Town grant program website, which includes guidance and resources including case studies for developing successful projects.

Successful applicants will receive the required endorsement letter to include with their final submission to the National Endowment for the Arts, due on August 8, 2019. To learn more about the City’s cultural programs visit online  and follow the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs on Facebook and Instagram @HoustonMOCA.

Freedom Over Texas
This year, guests will celebrate more than America’s Freedom at the city’s signature Independence Day event, as this July marks the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. CITGO Freedom Over Texas has partnered with NASA’s Johnson Space Center, to bring an exclusive Space City Experience to all patrons at the event featuring its history and what the future holds for intergalactic exploration and travel. The signature area will include an opportunity to be up close and personal with astronauts, robotic demonstrations, virtual reality fieldtrips to the International Space Station, the Space Exploration Vehicle (SEV), NASA’s Destination Station, and other NASA assets and activities.

Houston’s annual July 4th event will also feature NEW live music. Headlining the main stage will be multi chart-topping singer/songwriter Jake Owen with special guest country music star Kellie Pickler.  The live performances will be followed by an astronomical fireworks show provided by CITGO.

The Walmart All-American Kids Zone will feature local performances by norteño band Los Luzeros de Rioverde, a contemporary performance and aerialist show celebrating space exploration by Aldine Carver Dance Company, and appearances from your favorite storybook characters and Superheroes. There will be life size games, carnival rides, a rock wall and obstacle course- something for every age.

Launched last year, the CITGO Freedom Over Texas mobile app provides an accessible tool to navigate through the largest Fourth of July Celebration in the state. Available in the iOS App store or Android Google Play Store, FOT2019 will offer patrons the ability to purchase tickets, view performance schedules and maps, and get parking tips and other helpful hints to enhance the event experience. Guests can check their mobile devices for the latest app updates coming soon.

This year’s festivities at Eleanor Tinsley and Sam Houston Parks on Buffalo Bayou (along Allen Parkway) include the Walmart All-American Kids Zone, a children’s entertainment area with a stage featuring performances for young and old, alike; the Bud Light Bayou Beer Garden, featuring a fun in the sun good time; the Dr Pepper Zone, featuring Houston professional sports teams, live music and food; Liberty Park featuring US Family Health Plan’s Symbols of Freedom, the Space City Experience, and a salute to all five branches of the military; and, an exciting fireworks finale sponsored by CITGO to end the evening.

For more information about this year’s event click here

Summer Safety Tips
Council Member Martin reminds District E residents of the following safety tips from Houston Police Department:  

  • Make sure all windows and doors are locked whether you are home or away
  • Activate your alarm system regardless of how long you anticipate being away from home
  • Never leave jewelry or valuables in plain view
  • Take photos of valuables and their identification numbers and keep these images on a zip drive
  • Set interior home lights on a timer
  • Maintain adequate exterior lighting and keep bushes and shrubs trimmed
  • Always keep your vehicle car doors locked and windows closed
  • While out shopping, do not move items from inside your vehicle into the trunk in public view
  • Finally, get to know your neighbors, be aware of your surroundings at all time and report all suspicious activity to the police immediately

Residents Encouraged to Be Prepared and Stay Alert During Hurricane Season
Mayor Sylvester Turner, Council Member Martin and the City of Houston’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) urge residents to prepare for the 2019 Atlantic Hurricane Season, which runs from Saturday, June 1, through Saturday, Nov. 30, 2019. 

Our location along the Gulf Coast, in combination with our status as one of the nation’s industrial centers, leaves us vulnerable to many natural and human-caused hazards. 

Make an Emergency Plan

The first step in preparing for disasters is to make a plan. Have a plan for what you and your family will do in an emergency. Consider how you will communicate with each other, where you will meet, and who you can leave messages with out-of-state if you can’t reach people locally. Learn more about preparing a plan here

Houston residents who might need additional help in evacuating during a disaster can visit the OEM website to learn more about the State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR), which allows residents to provide information on their specific situation to emergency management officials who will work to help them evacuate safely, or provide them with the appropriate life-sustaining help they need in a disaster. 

Have an Emergency Supply Kit

After you have your plan, start building a kit. Houston residents should have what they need to be on their own for 5-7 days following a storm. This includes food, water, medications, and individual needs such as medical devices or pet supplies.  

Stay Informed

If you stay informed, you’ll know when disasters are going to strike. Know where to go to get updated information, including local television and radio, as well as official websites such as:

The City of Houston offers emergency alerts through the AlertHouston emergency notification system. People who live or work in Houston can receive emergency notifications via email, text message and through a mobile app from six different categories:

  • Emergency Incidents (such as hazmat situations or law enforcement activity)
  • Severe Weather information
  • Major Traffic & Transit Interruptions
  • Missing People (AMBER Alerts & Silver Alerts)
  • Information regarding Special Events & Planned Drills
  • Recovery information for people impacted by a disaster (such as the flooding from Hurricane Harvey or Tax Day)

Register for alerts today at

Know your Neighbors

Your neighbors can be a great source of help immediately after a disaster. Get to know your neighbors, particularly those too elderly or too ill to independently plan or prepare themselves for a disaster. By knowing your neighbors ahead of time, your community will work better as a team when disasters strike. 

For more information about helping your neighborhood get ready for hurricane season, click here

Upcoming Events
Please email the District E office if you would like us to include your upcoming event in future newsletters! 

City Wides
June 25 TAG State of Mobility

June 12 Kingwood Service Association Public Safety Committee
June 13 Lake Houston TIRZ Board Meeting
June 18 Lake Houston Area Chamber of Commerce State of the State Luncheon
June 18 Kingwood PIP
*Kingwood Super Neighborhood Meetings are in recess until August 21

Southeast Houston/Clear Lake 

June 8 Clear Lake Electronic Waste Recycling 
June 13 Meadowcreek Village Civic Club
June 18 Clear Lake PIP
June 26 Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce General Membership Luncheon

Council Member Dave Martin
City of Houston, 900 Bagby, Houston, TX 77002