A Guide to Snakes – Yes, it is that time of the Year!

This article is not intended to scare residents, but to educate.

Each year, several residents report a snake or two in the neighborhood. Most reports are of the nonvenomous type, like the Gulf Coast Ribbon Snake or Eastern Garter Snake.

But unfortunately, they are not the only snake that might be present from time to time. Texas also has several venomous snakes. The most likely to appear in our yards is the Southern Copperhead.

Click here for “A Guide to Snakes of Southeast Texas”.

The posting below appeared April 15 on the site “Nextdoor”.

Chris Wist, Lakewood Heights

Snake relocations and quick ID (Free)

“Neighbors, I want to once again, as I do every year, offer my services to you. I relocate snakes free of charge. If I am not able to relocate, I have a vast network of individuals who also relocate snakes. This is free of charge. My passion in life is spreading knowledge and understanding of one of the most misunderstood animals. If ever you find a snake, please contact me through here or on Facebook. I will immediately and positively identify your visitor. From that point we can decide if relocation is needed. I will offer my phone number to anyone genuinely interested in this offer. Please message me if you would like to save my number for this reason. I look forward to assisting and educating the community.”

Chris has provided the following information:

If ever you see a snake, try to capture a clear picture of it. If I get a picture in a text message, I will respond with an ID the second I see it. This also helps if the snake happens to get away so we can discuss what snake was visiting. Chris Wist 832-372-0292