Lake Houston Safety Plan

Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin is proud to announce, knowing your zone is already making an impact, as just this past weekend a 9-1-1 caller reported a kayaker in trouble on the Lake and knew they were located in the Orange zone.

The dispatcher on the call was able to get first responders to the kayaker in trouble, wearing a life jacket, pulling them and their boat out of the lake within twenty minutes. The purpose of the Lake Houston Safety Plan is to provide both Lake Houston residents and visiting recreational users with information that will prepare them to better identify their location on the lake and how to best report an incident to 9-1-1.

The District E Office is actively working with communities on the lake to distribute this information. To print your own resources you may visit the District E website here. Should you like to request a presentation for your group (HOA, Civic Club etc.) or receive resources directly please email the District E Office at

Important Lake Houston Contacts and Map of Lake Houston Zones by Color