Leash Laws? Picking Up Feces Left By Your Dog? Yes, these are covered one of the City of Houston Ordinances

Once again, several loose, unleashed dogs have been observed in The Enclave.  These dogs were observed away from the owner’s private property.  And once again reports of dog owners not picking up feces left by their dog or being in possession of materials to remove feces left by their dog.    

Please be advised that these actions are unlawful per City of Houston Ordinances and may include fines.  The Houston Police Department has the authority to enforce these ordinances. If you observe a loose dog with an owner nearby or failure to pick up feces left by their dog, please be neighborly and remind them of the City of Houston Ordinances.

City of Houston Ordinances (Chapter 6)

If you continue to observe violations of these City of Houston Ordinances, you may contact:

Houston Police Department

Kingwood Substation

3915 Rustic Woods Dr

Kingwood, TX  77339

281.913.4500 / 832.395.1800