Crime Report

On August 7, 2021 at approximately 5:00 p.m. a breaking & entering / burglary occurred and was reported at a residence on N. Strathford Ln.* The residents were not home at the time; therefore no one was injured. The criminals did leave the residence with items that were financially valuable as well as held family sentimental value. This residence backyard includes The Enclave’s exterior perimeter fence and was entered from the backside.

Each of us holds a responsibility to keep us and our neighborhood safe. Neighbors keeping an eye out for each other has always been a great practice. It was reported that this residence did have an alarm system which alerted the local police station promptly, but the criminals had left the home before the police arrived.

In addition to neighbors keeping a watch and other security measures, please consider utilizing a free service offered by the Houston Police Department:

The Alert Slip (

Citizens can use this form to request increased patrols around their home or business for a prowler, speeding vehicle, excessive burglaries and thefts, being on vacation, or for reasons causing them concern in the “other” box.

*The Houston Police publish crime reports and maps. To access the map, click here.