Feedback on Adding Recycling to Current Best Trash Service

At this time, the board will not be adding recycling or amending our current trash service contract.

The Lake Houston Community Association Board had several residents express an interest in adding recycling to our current trash service. As adding recycling would be an additional cost to each homeowner’s current billing cycle, the board requested input through a survey. The survey was mailed to homeowner’s and was also sent by email to those registered on Goodwin & Co.’s TownSquare system. The board set 51% or 84 homeowners had to agree to add to the current trash service.

The deadline to receive input was April 9, 2022. Responses were sent to and tallied by Vickie Cain, Goodwin & Company. Below are the results:

Total votes received- 81

Total for Recycling- 32

Total Against- 49