Unusually High Water Bill?


July 21, 2022

Contact: Jessica Beemer (832) 393-3008


HOUSTON – Mayor Pro Tem Martin would like District E residents to be aware of the possibility for increasing water bills as Houston is facing record heat and worsening drought conditions the cost to keep lawns green and water running is also on the rise. Currently, in the City of Houston, two of the top ten Houston 3-1-1 service requests are reports of water leaks and water service issues. It is important for all residents to understand that all water bill issues are handled on a case-by-case basis as no two addresses are the same and water usage changes month to month, which is why it is crucial to report these issues to Houston 3-1-1 by calling (713) 837-0311.

The City of Houston has established a “Consumption Awareness Program” for residents to use which alerts homeowners as soon as usage at your address increases. To register for that program, sign up here. You can also estimate your upcoming bills by using this calculator.

If you believe your water bill is incorrect it is important to contact Houston 3-1-1 (713-837-0311) first. After residents have called Houston 3-1-1 a unique service request number is generated, which triggers an investigation. Once you receive your service request number after calling Houston 3-1-1, please send your service request number along with your most recent water bill to our office at districte@houstontx.gov for the District E office to monitor. Please keep in mind a Houston 3-1-1 report needs to be submitted each time an issue occurs.

Right now wait times for investigation to occur are between seven to fourteen business days, but it varies depending on the situation. Each water bill issue is assigned a case manager within the Customer Account Services (CAS) Division of the Water Department and members of the District E team work directly with those CAS employees to get information back to residents in a timely manner.

It is important for residents to use Houston 3-1-1, as this is the only way for the City of Houston to know a problem exists. Additionally, the District E office compiles that information and can identify a trend, should one exist. Based on historical information most cases investigated show increased usage by customers.

In a minority of cases, leaks have been identified and when the leak has been found on the City side/Public side of the meter, repairs to the meter are made and adjustments are applied to those bills. When leaks are investigated and discovered to be on the private side of the meter a one-time leak adjustment can be submitted. If you do find a leak and would like to submit a one-time leak adjustment you may use this form (once a year). Please continue to pay your bill until your form is approved/denied.

If you do experience unexplained usage over 200% of the average usage you may submit an “unusually large bill application” (once a year). It is important in this instance as well, to continue to pay your bill until your form is approved/denied.

Keep in mind, leaks may not always present as gushing water, sometimes it is an area of your yard that appears greener than the rest, or a running toilet in a part of your home you don’t use often. I encourage you to please visit the City of Houston Water website for tips on how to find a leaking toilet, how to test for a leaking toilet, and tips on in-home conservation.

For more information please contact Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin’s Office by calling (832) 393-3008 or by emailing DistrictE@houstontx.gov.


Kingwood Drive Panel Replacements Scheduled

June 13, 2022
Contact: Dustin Hodges (832) 393-3008

HOUSTON -Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin would like to make Kingwood area residents aware Houston Public Works will begin a panel replacement project on Kingwood Drive starting Monday, June 27. The scope of work includes replacing damaged concrete panels along the eastbound lanes of Kingwood Drive from Lake Kingwood Trail to Oak Street. The cost of the project is $99,600 and is funded through Mayor Pro Tem Martin’s Council District Service Funds. The project is anticipated to be completed by Friday, July 22, weather permitting. Construction activities are expected to take place Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. As a result of the construction activities, please be aware of flagmen and orange traffic cones that will be put in place on-site to help with traffic flow through the construction zone as the project may require a one-lane closure. Two-way traffic will be maintained at all times. Businesses and residents will have access to driveways and sidewalks at all times and may experience an increase in noise levels due to trucks and equipment in the area. For more information, please contact Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin’s office at (832) 393-3008 or districte@houstontx.gov.
Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin City of Houston | 900 Bagby, Houston, TX 77002

Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin to host two Redistricting Town Hall Meetings in April


March 31, 2022

Contact: Jessica Beemer

(832) 393-3008


Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin would like to make District E residents aware the City of Houston Planning Department will be conducting Redistricting Town Hall meetings across the City of Houston. Click here to continue reading.

7.8.2021: Lake Houston Dam Spillway Improvement Project

The below was posted on Dave Martin’s website from the public meeting on the Lake Houston Dam Spillway Improvement Project. This meeting was held July 8, 2021 at Kingwood Community Center.

Lake Houston Lowering Expected Tomorrow


May 16, 2021

Contact: Jessica Beemer

(832) 393-3008


HOUSTON – Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin would like to make Lake Houston residents aware, Houston Public Works is monitoring weather forecasts for the Lake Houston region. Houston Public Works expects there to be 3 inches of rainfall predicted in our watershed starting tomorrow. The forecast of 3 inches of rain in our watershed triggers the Lake Houston lowering protocol.

Lake Houston is currently at 42.55 feet, normal pool is 42.4 feet. The lowering of Lake Houston is expected to begin around 10 a.m. tomorrow morning, Monday, May 17. Property owners along the lake should take measures to secure property along the shoreline. At that time Lake Houston will be lowered by 12 inches, from 42.5 feet to 41.5 feet.

To monitor current water levels at Lake Houston, visit www.coastalwaterauthority.org

For more information, please contact the District E office at (832) 393-3008 or via email at districte@houstontx.gov


Mayor Pro Tem Martin Testifying in Support of SB 1892


May 14, 2021

Contact: Jessica Beemer

(832) 393-3008


 HOUSTON – Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin would like to make District E residents aware he will be testifying at the Texas Senate Local Government Committee hearing on Senate Bill (SB) 1892. The hearing is expected to take place on Monday, May 17 at 10:00 a.m. SB 1892, filed by State Senator Brandon Creighton, is the companion bill to State Representative Dan Huberty’s House Bill (HB) 2525 which will create the Lake Houston Dredging and Maintenance District.

Mayor Pro Tem Martin will be testifying at the hearing in strong support of SB 1892, with the unanimous support of the entire Houston City Council. Last week, Mayor Pro Tem Martin provided legislators with a letter of support for the bills.

To watch the hearing you can do so online here. Mayor Pro Tem Martin strongly urges residents to contact their State Senator and calling the Senate Local Government Committee to express support for SB 1892, you can find contact information here

For more information, please contact the District E office at (832) 393-3008 or via email at districte@houstontx.gov

Potential for Lake Lowering


August 21, 2020
Contact: Jessica Beemer (832) 393-3008


Houston, TX – Council Member Dave Martin would like to make Lake Houston Area residents aware that Houston Public Works is monitoring two tropical developments approaching the Gulf of Mexico labeled by the National Weather Service as Tropical Storms 13 and 14. If these storms develop, Houston Public Works is preparing for the potential release of possibly between 6 to 12 inches, which would lower the lake to 40.5 feet or 40 feet. Property owners should make arrangements now to secure boats and other items along the shoreline for a potential lowering of Lake Houston.

Current forecast models show potential landfall of the storms as early as Tuesday, however, forecasts can change quickly and residents should be prepared in the event Lake Houston needs to be lowered this weekend. Both lakes within the San Jacinto Watershed are approximately one foot lower than their conservation pool, which means immediate lowering is not necessary based on existing forecasts.

Lake Conroe’s current elevation 199.8 mean sea level (msl) with a conservation pool elevation is 201 msl. There is currently 22,672 acre-feet of storage available on Lake Conroe.  There are approximately 445 square miles of land draining to Lake Conroe. Lake Houston’s elevation is 41.75 msl with a conservation pool elevation of 42.4 msl. 

In the meantime, Houston Public Works, Houston Police Department, and the Houston Fire Department are making preparations to put in place high water vehicles as well as barriers near locations known to flood. All agencies are monitoring the weather closely and actively communicating on pre-storm procedures. Residents can help us prepare for this storm by making sure that all drains are clear, keeping our storm water lines free of debris.

Great Resources:

AlertHouston: Receive emergency alerts via email, text message, or phone by signing up.

Harris County Flood Control District’s Flood Warning System: Track rainfall amounts and monitors water levels in bayous and major streams on a real-time basis.

Sign up for Power Alert Services for information on individual outages

Visit Outage Tracker for general outage locations 

Follow @cnpalerts on twitter

To stay updated on lake levels and releases, please visit:

Coastal Water Authority (Lake Houston): https://www.coastalwaterauthority.org/

San Jacinto River Authority (Lake Conroe)https://www.sjra.net/

The District E office will continue to monitor the weather and provide updates via Mayor Pro Tem Martin’s Facebook Page. 

For real time alerts, please visit: https://houstonemergency.org/alerts/.

For more information, please contact Council Member Martin’s office at (832) 393-3008 or via email at  districte@houstontx.gov.

— end —

Save the Date: Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin to Host CIP Town Hall Meeting for Kingwood Residents


Contact: Jessica Beemer (832) 393-3008 districte@houstontx.gov

Houston, TX – City of Houston Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin will host a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Town Hall meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 6:30 p.m., at the Kingwood Community Center, 4102 Rustic Woods, Kingwood, Texas 77345. 

During this meeting, residents can plan to hear from Mayor Sylvester Turner, and other city representatives about ongoing and future capital improvement projects. There will also be information tables available for those that arrive early, beginning at 5:45 p.m.

For more information, please contact Mayor Pro Tem Martin’s office at (832) 393-3008 or via email at districte@houstontx.gov.
