Mayor Pro Tem Martin Testifying in Support of SB 1892


May 14, 2021

Contact: Jessica Beemer

(832) 393-3008

 HOUSTON – Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin would like to make District E residents aware he will be testifying at the Texas Senate Local Government Committee hearing on Senate Bill (SB) 1892. The hearing is expected to take place on Monday, May 17 at 10:00 a.m. SB 1892, filed by State Senator Brandon Creighton, is the companion bill to State Representative Dan Huberty’s House Bill (HB) 2525 which will create the Lake Houston Dredging and Maintenance District.

Mayor Pro Tem Martin will be testifying at the hearing in strong support of SB 1892, with the unanimous support of the entire Houston City Council. Last week, Mayor Pro Tem Martin provided legislators with a letter of support for the bills.

To watch the hearing you can do so online here. Mayor Pro Tem Martin strongly urges residents to contact their State Senator and calling the Senate Local Government Committee to express support for SB 1892, you can find contact information here

For more information, please contact the District E office at (832) 393-3008 or via email at