Architectural Guidelines

It was recently brought to our attention that this website did not have the current Architectural Guidelines posted. We have corrected that error. Goodwin & Co, our management company, has posted the current guidelines on their site as well. The guidelines are located under the COMMUNITY INFORMATION tab, Section 6. COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION DOCUMENTS, 6d. Architectural Guidlines LHCA. Double Click or tap the page to open the guidelines. The guidelines are also attached below. Also attached is the letter from the board at the time the current Architectural Guidelines were issued.

Please familiarize yourself with this document as well as other community documents. The Architectural Guidelines cover fences between yards, construction of swimming pools, spa or jacuzzi, outbuildings, patio covers, decks, landscaping, exterior lighting, exterior paint, roofs, additions, driveways, neighbor’s zero wall, yard decorations, etc. And additional subjects are addressed in the covenants, 6c Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions.

If you are planning on any updates, additions or changes, please review the documents or feel free to contact Vickie Cain, Goodwin & Company, with our management company to see if your project requires Architectural Review. Remember the Architectural Review Committee is made up of volunteers from our neighborhood. And like the Board of Directors, their function is to act for all residents, preserve property values and to keep The Enclave a community of which we can be proud.